Lead the Way: Champion Mental Health

Stress is an all-too-familiar workplace companion we just can’t seem to shake. The latest insights from Mental Health America (2023) shed light on a stark reality: a staggering 81% of workers are grappling with the effects of workplace stress on their mental health, marking a notable increase from 78% in 2021. And it's not just us—it spills over into our personal lives, affecting how we connect with loved ones and colleagues alike.

Understanding the Impact

Think about your worst day at work or even your “meh” days. How productive were you? The World Health Organization paints a grim picture, estimating that mental health challenges drain a jaw-dropping $1 trillion in lost productivity globally each year. 

Amidst this daunting reality however, lies hope: investing in mental health at work can bring back returns four to six times the initial investment. It's a reminder that prioritizing mental wellbeing isn't just a compassionate act; it's a smart business decision.

The Role of Leadership in Mental Health

Leaders make a real difference in this story. Their support is crucial in advocating for employees' mental health by shaping culture, guiding strategies, and setting the tone for wellbeing within their teams. Prioritizing mental health resources, fostering empathy, and supporting work-life balance are key in creating an environment where teams thrive and adapt to today's dynamic work challenges. It's a journey that starts with recognizing that peak performance isn't sustainable without first ensuring the mental wellbeing of the workforce.

Strategies for Supporting Mental Health

Feeling inspired? Let's explore actionable strategies for bolstering mental health within your teams

  • Purpose: When employees appreciate how their roles contribute to the larger mission and purpose of the organization, they are able to achieve a greater sense of fulfillment, resulting in increased job satisfaction and reduced burnout and stress.

  • Values: Employees who feel that their work aligns with their personal values are empowered to be authentic in their actions and decisions fostering trust, and pride.

  • Open Communication: A nurturing environment where team members feel safe openly discussing their mental health concerns without fearing judgment nurtures compassion and belonging.

  • Realistic Expectations: Unrealistic expectations often lead to burnout and heightened stress levels. Ensure that workload and deadlines are attainable and realistic.

  • Work-life balance: Encourage employees to take regular breaks, fully utilize their vacation days, and disconnect from work outside of office hours. Promote a healthy balance between professional responsibilities and personal lives.

  • Resources: Offer easy access to mental health resources such as employee assistance programs or counseling services. Make sure your team knows where to turn for support if they ever need it including you.

  • Appreciation: Maintain morale through regular acknowledgement and expressed appreciation of your team's contributions and achievements. 

In Conclusion

As leaders, it's our responsibility to prioritize and champion mental health within our workplaces. We can ensure our teams thrive personally and professionally by implementing these strategies and fostering a supportive environment. Let's collaborate to lead the way in promoting mental health and wellbeing in our workplaces.


Purpose-Driven Work: Shaping a Meaningful Future


Rethink the Employee Experience